With the legalization of CBD oil on Jan 1st, 2020, Dr. Woodward/Plymouth hospital took an interest in the potential benefits of CBD oil in pets. It’s a common question we get every day. Owners want to know how to use or are already using CBD oil for their pets. What we have found is there’s a lot of misinformation out there and it is very confusing for owners to select a product that will be effective and easy for owners to give to their pets. We are finding that people are overpaying for bottles that instruct the owner to administer inadequate doses to their pets. If these bottles were used at proper dosing, they would only last a couple weeks, and sometimes only days, depending on the size of the pet.”
Safety margins for CBD have yet to be firmly established, however, there is data from limited studies currently available. The safety and efficacy studies available all indicate limited bioavailability and short half-life of CBD in pets*. Most information points to a dosing of 2 mg/kg every 12 hours to have the impact needed on the endocannabinoid system and improve conditions such as osteoarthritis.
Since CBD use in pets is in its infant stages, it is important that an effective dose, determined through preliminary studies, is given in something that is easily administered, so we can start to see the benefits of CBD in our pets. CBD Vet Oil provides a well thought-out, research-based formula with the appropriate amount of milligrams pets require to experience the positive effects CBD is thought to have.
For more information click the link below or call us to set up a consultation at 763-337-4433

Essential Oils
We use Young Living essential oils that are extracted through careful steam distillation and cold pressing. Only the purest essential oils are used in Young Living products. Young Living has developed essential oils, shampoo, and other products designed especially for pets.
Balance and happiness is just as important in your pets as it is in humans. Essential oils have also been used for thousands of years for cosmetic purposes, as well as for their spiritually and emotionally uplifting properties. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions to a total mind/body wellness they may never have dreamed possible.
Primarily extracted through careful steam distillation but also through cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they were extracted. Any time you hold a bottle of our powerful essential oils, you are holding nature’s pure essence.
We can help you determine the best oils to use with your pets (and which your pets should stay away from). To start using essential oils right away, create a member account using our Vet Partners ID of 2957192 for your enroller and sponsor, that way we can help support your ordering and using essential oils.
To start click the sign up link below. Once you are a member schedule a consult with us to create a plan of what oils would be best for your pet and when and how to apply!